Senin, 31 Mei 2010

Buah Kiwi mengandung vitamin C lebih tinggi dari jeruk

Khasiat dan kandungan Vitamin Buah kiwi
Buah Kiwi
Buah Kiwi dikenal sebagai buah berkhasiat karena kandungan nutrisi yang melimpah dan mampu mencegah penyakit. Bahkan makan tiga buah kiwi per hari dapat menjauhkan anda dari resiko stroke.

Minggu, 30 Mei 2010

The Best Training Strategies To Maintain Health and Fitness

Author: andyraybould

If you ever been to a doctor, the first thing they do is convince you to do low to moderate intensity aerobic training. This is also referred to as cardio. They suggest you do about 30-60 minutes of steady pace cardio for about 3-5 times in a week. They claim this helps maintain your heart rate at a moderate level.

Before you get involved in such a routine, consider some recent scientific research that gives concrete facts to prove such cardio workouts may not work that well after all.
Our bodies were designed to perform physical activity in bursts of exertion followed by recovery. According to the research study, physical variety is a key variable in your training. If you examine most sports, you will find that most of them go with this burst of exertion, or stop-and-go movement, as it is also called.

Another factor to keep in mind when it comes to varying your physical workouts is the effects to your body internally. Scientists have known for years that any excessive steady state endurance exercise that is anywhere between 30 minutes to an hour, only trains the heart rate at a specific level. You don’t get the heart fully involved.

This kind of workout causes muscle wasting, and can even create a condition in your body that can lead to chronic diseases. But if you do stop-and-go type movements, you will find that your body reacts to it in a better manner. Your body will be able to increase anti-oxidant production. Your body will also provide a more anti-inflammatory affect and your metabolic rate will increase. Also, stop-and-go training trains the heart to respond to and recover from a variety of demands and stress levels.

This is what you need. The kind of exercise that trains your heart to rapidly increase and rapidly decrease is the condition that will benefit you more fully. And it has another benefit. It is much more interesting to do and has a better success rate. This means those who used this method, did not drop out.

Article Source:

Skin Care Tips

Author: Ayurmedicure

Home Skin Care Tips

Your skin reflects your beauty and before one knows about you the skin is something that attracts the onlooker. You ought to keep your skin ever glowing and shinning! And for that you don’t have to use artificial make up or products in the market. Everything is possible within your home and all you to do is follow basic home skin care tips. You just need to be little cautious regarding your skin.

The following are the skin care tips that will help you keep your skin ever glowing.

Wash your face three four times a day to keep the debris of face away.
The main idea behind every glowing skin is to drink plenty of water. Water hydrates the skin and keeps the skin disease free. It also helps to keep acne and blackheads at bay.
Prepare paste of husk of mustard seeds with cow milk. Apply the mixture over the affected areas for one or two hours and then wash with cold running water. This treatment will keep your skin healthy and glowing.
Paste of orange peel should be applied on your faces, neck, and hands to get rid of blemishes, blackheads and acne spots. Similarly you can also apply tomato paste on the affected areas to reduce burning sensation and get relief from acne.
Don’t squeeze the acne or blemishes, it trigger further growth in adjoining areas. Drink plenty of water to keep skin well hydrated.
Use medicated soap with lukewarm water so that there is no dirt or impurities left on your skin.
Cleansers do the job of removing the makeup, dirt and debris from the skin. Use good quality cleansing lotions or oils to remove your makeup or when you come from work back to home.
For blackheads soak rice in water overnight and in the morning grind them to make paste. Add pinch of turmeric to it and apply the paste on the face. Wash off with cold running water after 15 minutes.
If your skin suffers from sun burn a mixture of tomato juice with buttermilk in the ratio of 1:6 should be applied on the sun burned spots for quick recovery and healing.
The sunscreen lotion is something we apply to protect our skin from sun radiations. It is good to choose waterproof sunscreen of SPF 15 or higher.
Make a paste of soaked almonds with honey, and apply the paste on face, neck region. Scrub off the paste when the applied paste becomes dry. It is good treatment for blackheads and also glows your skin.
Rubbing lemon peel on face, hands and arms remove the old and dead skin and make the way for clear skin.
If possible take steam bath or steam treatment on your skin. It makes the pores loose and let the dirt come out from the surface thus makes the skin clean and soothing.
Neem leaves are extremely helpful for healthy and clear skin. Boil some neem leaves in water and add calamine powder on it to make a paste. Apply the paste on areas of blemishes and acne to remove them forever from your skin.
Eat lots of green leafy vegetables and fruits for healthy skin.

Article Source:

Olah raga ditempat hijau tingkatkan kesehatan mental

Anda tak ingin terganggu kesehatan mental akibat beban kerja terlalu berat atau karena faktor sosial ekonomi ? Sempatkanlah untuk berolahraga ditempat terbuka , walaupun kegiatan itu hanya lima menit.

Sabtu, 29 Mei 2010

Hasiat Daun Pepaya, untuk menyegarkan air susu ibu

hasiat daun pepaya
Daun Pepaya
Daun pepaya itu baik yang sudah direbus maupun yang masih mentah memang rasanya pahit, tetapi pahitnya mengandung obat. Air daun pepaya itu dapat diminum sebagai obat atau jamu , terutama bagi ibu ibu yang sedang menyusui , agar air susu ibu dapat keluar dengan deras dan segar .

Jumat, 28 Mei 2010

Hasiat Daun Ubi kayu, untuk mengobati sakit reumatik

hasiat daun singkong untuk reumatik
Daun Singkong
Daun ubi kayu atau singkong yang terlintas sama kita pasti untuk sayur mayur , untuk urap atau untuk lalapan. Apalagi kalau kita masuk ke restauran Padang ,daun singkong merupakan menu utama sebagai lalapan . Tapi siapa sangka daun singkong juga punya hasiat lain selain sebagai sayur atau lalapan.

Daun ubi kayu ternyata punya khasiat untuk penyembuhan penyakit Reumatik

Adapun caranya :
Ambillah beberapa daun ubi kayu lalu ditumbuk yang halus kemudian dicampur dengan kapur sirih. Setelah jadi adonan tersebut kita gosok gosokkan pada bagian yang terasa sakit, nyeri atau linu. Ulangi beberapa kali hingga rasa sakit hilang . 

Demikianlah manfaat atau hasiat ubi kayu untuk mengobati rematik.

Selamat mencoba.

Kamis, 27 Mei 2010

Hasiat Daun Seledri , sebagai Obat tekanan darah tinggi

hasiat daun seledri untuk darah tinggi
Daun Seledri
Seledri yang kita kenal adalah sebagai bahan campuran sayur mayur dalam membuat sop, soto, bakso , bakmi dan sebagainya. Daun seledri yang lembut , dengan tinggi batang kurang lebih 25 cm , berakar serabut , berbau sedap ternyata bukan hanya sebagai pelengkap sayur belaka , namun di dalamnya mengandung hasiat untuk mengobati penyakit tekanan darah tinggi.

Hasiat Daun Dadap Srep , untuk mengobati sakit panas

Daun dadap srep untuk sakit panas
Pohon Dadap Srep
Indonesia yang kaya akan aneka ragam tumbuhan , ternyata juga menyimpan sejuta manfaat akan floranya , antara lain adalah tumbuhan Dadap Srep. Daun Dadap Srep ini digunakan oleh orang tua kita dulu sebagai obat penurun panas. Kita yang sekarang biasanya tinggal beli obat diwarung atu pergi kedokter , minum deh obat penurun panas.

Tidak salahnya kita mencoba resep leluhur, selain alami juga menambah ilmu pengetahuan atau sebagai jaga - jaga kalu kita berada dalam posisi darurat atau jauh dari dokter atau toko obat.

Adapun caranya adalah : daun Dadap Srep diremas remas dalam air supaya menjadi lemas. Setelah daun terlihat atau terasa lemas tempelkan pada dahi si sakit . teruslah seperti itu hingga panas turun..

Aku juga udah coba loh .... mantappppp.

Hasiat Daun Pandan , menghilangkan bau busuk

Pandan sebagian besar orang pasti kenal dengan pohon ini , pohon yang menyebarkan bau harum dari daunnya . coba tengok beberapa manfaat dari daun Pandan ini :

1. Sebagai bahan campuran / pewangi pada makanan atau minuman .
Kita bisa menemui aroma pada makanan seperti kue talam , kue lapis ...... atau mungkin anda pernah merasakan segarnya minuman tradisional Indonesia seperti Wedang Roti atau wedang Ronde.

2. Untuk menghilangkan bau busuk dalam ruangan , caranya pandan di iris - iris terus direndam dalam air , lalu airnya digunakan untuk mengepel atau membersihkan ruangan.... hilang deh bau busuknya .... ganti bau pandan .....

Sabtu, 22 Mei 2010

Kenali Gejala Sinusitas sejak dini

Orang awam sebenarnya dapat mengenali gejala / ciri ciri adanya sinus dalam dirinya. Dengan mengenal ciri atau gejala ini membuat kita waspada dan dapat melakukan pengobatan awal sebelum kedokter.

Sinusitas sendiri berarti infeksi pada sinus ( rongga disekitar mata, pipi dan hidung ). Rongga yang seharusnya berisi udara , namun karena infeksi dia berisi nanah alias lendir kental berwarna kuning atau kehijauan.

Adapun ciri / gejala sinusitas dapat diuraikan sebagai berikut :
1. Hidung tersumbat dan berair, disertai keluarnya lendir kental berwarna kuning atau kehijauan lewat hidung atau langit - langit tenggorokan.
2. Nyeri dan rasa tertekan di area sinus yang terkena. Rasa nyeri dipicu bila daerah tersebut diketuk dengan jari atau kepala digelengkan dengan kuat.
3. Sinusitis maxilaris akan menimbulkan nyeri pada pipi dan gigi atas.
4. Nyeri pada dahi bawah dan alis mata adalah sinusitas frontalis.
5. Nyeri di belakang mata , pada puncak kepala, pada pelipis adalah sinusitas sphenoid.
6. Nyeri di balik mata disebabkan karena sinusitis ethmoid.

Rabu, 19 Mei 2010

Lingkaran Perut Besar / Buncit rawan Diabetes

Obesitas memiliki andil dalam munculnya berbagai penyakit . Penelitian mengenai kegemukan terus dilakukan untuk membantu mereka yang punya berat badan berlebih. Salah satu penelitian yang dilakukan adalah mencari hubungan antara kegemukan pada peurut dengan sejumlah penyakit.

Ketua Perhimpunan Edukator Diabetes Indonesia , dokter Aris Wibudi menyebutkan bahwa lingkar perut yang besar merupakan peringatan adanya peningkatan resiko Diabetes Melitus atau yang didefinisikan sebagai kumpulan gejala terkait metabolisme karbohidrat , protein, dan lemak akibat gangguan fungsi insulin.

" Perempuan dengan lingkar perut lebih dari 88 cm dan laki laki lebih dari 99 cm harus hati hati karena sudah beresiko tinggi terkena diabetes melitus. " kata dokter Aris Wibudi dikutip Antar ( 13/5 ).

Kumpulan lemak pada perut orang yang mengalami obesitas sentral menyebabkan resistensi insulin , yakni kondisi ketika kemampuan hormon insulin untuk menurunkan kadar glukosa darah dengan menekan poduksi glukosa hepatik dan menstimulasi pemanfaatan glukosa pada otot skelet dan jaringan adiposa menurun. " ini membuat pankreas terus menerus memproduksi insulin , sehingga mengakibatkan cidera insulin, tubuh tidak mampu mengeluarkan insulin sesuai kebutuhan. " kata dokter Aris

Kondisi tersebut akan membuat produksi gula pada hati tidak terkendali sehingga kadar gula dalam darah naik. Bila tidak dikendalikan itu bisa berkembang menjadi diabetes meletus yang oleh orang awam disebut dengan kencing manis. Penyakit diabetes yang disebabkan oleh resistensi tubuh terhadap efek insulin ( hormon yang diproduksi oleh sel beta pankreas ) disebut diabetes meletus tipe dua.

Kondisi ini mengakibatkan kadar gula dalam darah menjadi naik tak terkendali dan mengakibatkan konplikasi pada sejumlah organ , seperti jantung . tungkal bawah, otak, mata, ginjal dan jaringan syaraf. Penyakit ini biasanya di tandai dengan banyak kencing ( polyuria ), banyak minum ( polydipsia ), banyak makan ( polyphagia ) dan cepat lelah.

" Kalau tanda tanda ini sudah muncul, paling tidak kita sudah telat 6 tahun. Seharusnya ini bisa dicegah dengan mengenali atau menyadari faktor resikonya sejak dini. ", demikian ungkap dokter Aris.

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Tomat Lindungi kulit

hasiat buah tomat
Kulit ..., Khususnya bagi kaum hawa kulit adalah bagian hal yang sangat dijaga , siapa yang ingin kulitanya keriput. Makanya sekarang tumbuh subur bisnis bisnis perawatan tubuh , atau mungkin salon sebgai salah satu yang dicari para kaum hawa.

Senin, 17 Mei 2010

Serangan Jantung

Serangan Jantung dan Gejala serangan Jantung
Serangan jantung adalah suatu kondisi ketika kerusakan dialami oleh bagian otot jantung (myocardium) akibat mendadak sangat berkurangnya pasokan darah ke bagian otot jantung. Berkurangnya pasokan darah ke jantung secara tiba-tiba dapat terjadi ketika salah satu nadi koroner ter blokade selama beberapa saat, entah akibat spasme - mengencangnya nadi koroner - atau akibar pergumpalan darah - thrombus. Bagian otot jantung yang biasanya di pasok oleh nadi yang terblokade berhenti berfungsi dengan baik segera setelah splasme reda dengan sendirinya, gejala-gejala hilang secara menyeluruh dan otot jantung berfungsi secara betul-betul normal lagi. Ini sering disebut crescendo angina atau coronary insufficiency. Sebaliknya, apabila pasokan darah ke jantung terhenti sama sekali, sel-sel yang bersangkutan mengalami perubahan yang permanen hanya dalam beberapa jam saja dan bagian otot jantung termaksud mengalami penurunan mutu atau rusak secara permanen. Otot yang mati ini disebut infark.

Faktor-faktor Risiko Penyakit Jantung Koroner

  • Memasuki usia 45 tahun bagi pria.
Sangat penting bagi kaum pria untuk menyadari kerentanan mereka dan mengambil tindakan positif untuk mencegah datangnya penyakit jantung.
  • Bagi wanita, memasuki usia 55 tahun atau mengalami menopause dini (sebagai akibat operasi).
Wanita mulai menyusul pria dalam hal risiko penyakit jantung setelah mengalami menopause.
  • Riwayat penyakit jantung dalam keluarga.
Riwayat serangan jantung didalam keluarga sering merupakan akibat dari profil kolesterol yang tidak normal.
  • Diabetes.
Kebanyakan penderita diabetes meninggal bukanlah karena meningkatnya level gula darah, namun karena kondisi komplikasi jantung mereka.
  • Merokok.
Resiko penyakit jantung drai merokok setara dengan 100 pon kelebihan berat badan - jadi tidak mungkin menyamakan keduanya.
  • Tekanan darah tinggi (hipertensi).
  • Kegemukan (obesitas).
Obesitas tengah (perut buncit) adalah bentuk dari kegemukan. Walaupun semua orang gemuk cenderung memiliki risiko penyakit jantung, orang dengan obesitas tengah lebih-lebih lagi.
  • Gaya hidup buruk.
Gaya hidup yang buruk merupakan salah satu akar penyebab penyakit jantung - dan menggantinya dengan kegiatan fisik merupakan salah satu langkah paling radikal yang dapat diambil.
  • Stress.
Banyak penelitian yang sudah menunjukkan bahwa, bila menghadapi situasi yang tegang, dapat terjadi arithmias jantung yang membahayakan jiwa.


Strok (bahasa Inggris : stroke ) adalah suatu kondisi yang terjadi ketika pasokan darah ke suatu bagian otak tiba-tiba terganggu. Dalam jaringan otak, kurangnya aliran darah menyebabkan serangkaian reaksi bio-kimia, yang dapat merusakkan atau mematikan sel-sel otak.

Kematian jaringan otak dapat menyebabkan hilangnya fungsi yang dikendalikan oleh jaringan itu. Strok adalah penyebab kematian yang ketiga di Amerika Serikat dan banyak negara industri di Eropa (Jauch, 2005). Bila dapat diselamatkan, kadang-kadang si penderita mengalami kelumpuhan pada anggota badannya, hilangnya sebagian ingatan atau kemampuan bicaranya. Untuk menggarisbawahi betapa seriusnya strok ini, beberapa tahun belakangan ini telah semakin populer istilah serangan otak. Istilah ini berpadanan dengan istilah yang sudah dikenal luas, "serangan jantung". strok terjadi karena cabang pembuluh darah terhambat oleh emboli bisa berupa kolesterol atau mungkin

Jenis strok

Strok dibagi menjadi dua jenis yaitu strok iskemik maupun strok hemorragik. Pada strok iskemik, aliran darah ke otak terhenti karena aterosklerosis (penumpukan kolesterol pada dinding pembuluh darah) atau bekuan darah yang telah menyumbat suatu pembuluh darah ke otak. Hampir sebagian besar pasien atau sebesar 83% mengalami strok jenis ini.

Pada strok hemorragik, pembuluh darah pecah sehingga menghambat aliran darah yang normal dan darah merembes ke dalam suatu daerah di otak dan merusaknya. Hampir 70 persen kasus strok hemorrhagik terjadi pada penderita hipertensi.

Pada strok iskemik, penyumbatan bisa terjadi di sepanjang jalur pembuluh darah arteri yang menuju ke otak. Darah ke otak disuplai oleh dua arteria karotis interna dan dua arteri vertebralis. Arteri-arteri ini merupakan cabang dari lengkung aorta jantung.

Suatu ateroma (endapan lemak) bisa terbentuk di dalam pembuluh darah arteri karotis sehingga menyebabkan berkurangnya aliran darah. Keadaan ini sangat serius karena setiap pembuluh darah arteri karotis dalam keadaan normal memberikan darah ke sebagian besar otak. Endapan lemak juga bisa terlepas dari dinding arteri dan mengalir di dalam darah, kemudian menyumbat arteri yang lebih kecil.

Pembuluh darah arteri karotis dan arteri vertebralis beserta percabangannya bisa juga tersumbat karena adanya bekuan darah yang berasal dari tempat lain, misalnya dari jantung atau satu katupnya. Strok semacam ini disebut emboli serebral (emboli = sumbatan, serebral = pembuluh darah otak) yang paling sering terjadi pada penderita yang baru menjalani pembedahan jantung dan penderita kelainan katup jantung atau gangguan irama jantung (terutama fibrilasi atrium).

Emboli lemak jarang menyebabkan strok. Emboli lemak terbentuk jika lemak dari sumsum tulang yang pecah dilepaskan ke dalam aliran darah dan akhirnya bergabung di dalam sebuah arteri.

Strok juga bisa terjadi bila suatu peradangan atau infeksi menyebabkan penyempitan pembuluh darah yang menuju ke otak. Obat-obatan (misalnya kokain dan amfetamin) juga bisa mempersempit pembuluh darah di otak dan menyebabkan strok.

Penurunan tekanan darah yang tiba-tiba bisa menyebabkan berkurangnya aliran darah ke otak, yang biasanya menyebabkan seseorang pingsan. Strok bisa terjadi jika tekanan darah rendahnya sangat berat dan menahun. Hal ini terjadi jika seseorang mengalami kehilangan darah yang banyak karena cedera atau pembedahan, serangan jantung atau irama jantung yang abnormal.

Sumber Wikipedia Indonesia

Darah Tinggi (Hipertensi)

Penyakit darah tinggi atau Hipertensi adalah suatu keadaan di mana seseorang mengalami peningkatan tekanan darah di atas normal yang ditunjukkan oleh angka systolic (bagian atas) dan angka bawah (diastolic) pada pemeriksaan tensi darah menggunakan alat pengukur tekanan darah baik yang berupa cuff air raksa (sphygmomanometer) ataupun alat digital lainnya.

Nilai normal tekanan darah seseorang dengan ukuran tinggi badan, berat badan, tingkat aktifitas normal dan kesehatan secara umum adalah 120/80 mmHG. Dalam aktivitas sehari-hari, tekanan darah normalnya adalah dengan nilai angka kisaran stabil. Tetapi secara umum, angka pemeriksaan tekanan darah menurun saat tidur dan meningkat diwaktu beraktifitas atau berolahraga.

Bila seseorang mengalami tekanan darah tinggi dan tidak mendapatkan pengobatan dan pengontrolan secara teratur (rutin), maka hal ini dapat membawa si penderita kedalam kasus-kasus serius bahkan bisa menyebabkan kematian. Tekanan darah tinggi yang terus menerus menyebabkan jantung seseorang bekerja extra keras, akhirnya kondisi ini berakibat terjadinya kerusakan pada pembuluh darah jantung, ginjal, otak dan mata. Penyakit hypertensi ini merupakan penyebab umum terjadinya stroke dan serangan jantung .

Penyakit darah tinggi atau Hipertensi dikenal dengan 2 type klasifikasi, diantaranya Hipertensi Primary dan Hipertensi Secondary :
  • Hipertensi Primary
  • Hipertensi Primary adalah suatu kondisi dimana terjadinya tekanan darah tinggi sebagai akibat dampak dari gaya hidup seseorang dan faktor lingkungan. Seseorang yang pola makannya tidak terkontrol dan mengakibatkan kelebihan berat badan atau bahkan obesitas, merupakan pencetus awal untuk terkena penyakit tekanan darah tinggi. Begitu pula sesorang yang berada dalam lingkungan atau kondisi stressor tinggi sangat mungkin terkena penyakit tekanan darah tinggi, termasuk orang-orang yang kurang olahraga pun bisa mengalami tekanan darah tinggi.

  • Hipertensi Secondary
  • Hipertensi secondary adalah suatu kondisi dimana terjadinya peningkatan tekanan darah tinggi sebagai akibat seseorang mengalami/menderita penyakit lainnya seperti gagal jantung, gagal ginjal, atau kerusakan sistem hormon tubuh. Sedangkan pada Ibu hamil, tekanan darah secara umum meningkat saat kehamilan berusia 20 minggu. Terutama pada wanita yang berat badannya di atas normal atau gemuk (gendut).

    Pregnancy-induced hypertension (PIH), ini adalah sebutan dalam istilah kesehatan (medis) bagi wanita hamil yang menderita hipertensi. Kondisi Hipertensi pada ibu hamil bisa sedang ataupun tergolang parah/berbahaya, Seorang ibu hamil dengan tekanan darah tinggi bisa mengalami Preeclampsia dimasa kehamilannya itu.

    Preeclampsia adalah kondisi seorang wanita hamil yang mengalami hipertensi, sehingga merasakan keluhan seperti pusing, sakit kepala, gangguan penglihatan, nyeri perut, muka yang membengkak, kurang nafsu makan, mual bahkan muntah. Apabila terjadi kekejangan sebagai dampak hipertensi maka disebut Eclamsia.

    1. Penyebab Hipertensi
    Penggunaan obat-obatan seperti golongan kortikosteroid (cortison) dan beberapa obat hormon, termasuk beberapa obat antiradang (anti-inflammasi) secara terus menerus (sering) dapat meningkatkan tekanan darah seseorang. Merokok juga merupakan salah satu faktor penyebab terjadinya peningkatan tekanan darah tinggi dikarenakan tembakau yang berisi nikotin. Minuman yang mengandung alkohol juga termasuk salah satu faktor yang dapat menimbulkan terjadinya tekanan darah tinggi. Stop menjadi alcoholic!

    2. Penanganan dan Pengobatan Hipertensi

    a. Diet Penyakit Darah Tinggi (Hipertensi)
    * Kandungan garam (Sodium/Natrium)
    Seseorang yang mengidap penyakit darah tinggi sebaiknya mengontrol diri dalam mengkonsumsi asin-asinan garam, ada beberapa tips yang bisa dilakukan untuk pengontrolan diet sodium/natrium ini ;
    - Jangan meletakkan garam diatas meja makan
    - Pilih jumlah kandungan sodium rendah saat membeli makan
    - Batasi konsumsi daging dan keju
    - Hindari cemilan yang asin-asin
    - Kurangi pemakaian saos yang umumnya memiliki kandungan sodium

    * Kandungan Potasium/Kalium
    Suplements potasium 2-4 gram perhari dapat membantu penurunan tekanan darah, Potasium umumnya bayak didapati pada beberapa buah-buahan dan sayuran. Buah dan sayuran yang mengandung potasium dan baik untuk di konsumsi penderita tekanan darah tinggi antara lain semangka, alpukat, melon, buah pare, labu siam, bligo, labu parang/labu, mentimun, lidah buaya, seledri, bawang dan bawang putih. Selain itu, makanan yang mengandung unsur omega-3 sagat dikenal efektif dalam membantu penurunan tekanan darah (hipertensi).

    Pengobatan hipertensi biasanya dikombinasikan dengan beberapa obat;
    - Diuretic {Tablet Hydrochlorothiazide (HCT), Lasix (Furosemide)}. Merupakan golongan obat hipertensi dengan proses pengeluaran cairan tubuh via urine. Tetapi karena potasium berkemungkinan terbuang dalam cairan urine, maka pengontrolan konsumsi potasium harus dilakukan.

    - Beta-blockers {Atenolol (Tenorim), Capoten (Captopril)}. Merupakan obat yang dipakai dalam upaya pengontrolan tekanan darah melalui proses memperlambat kerja jantung dan memperlebar (vasodilatasi) pembuluh darah.

    - Calcium channel blockers {Norvasc (amlopidine), Angiotensinconverting enzyme (ACE)}. Merupakan salah satu obat yang biasa dipakai dalam pengontrolan darah tinggi atau Hipertensi melalui proses rileksasi pembuluh darah yang juga memperlebar pembuluh darah.



    “ASRATIK”, asam urat dan rheumatik. Sama atau berbeda? Penyakit asam urat merupakan bagian dari penyakit rheumatik. Meningkatnya asam urat bisa terjadi pembentukan tofi asam urat atau gout (Arthritis pirai) dan rheumatik memang penyakit yang berbeda namun keluhan yang dirasakan sering sama dan bagian tubuh yang diserang juga sama.

    ASAM URAT Penyakit asam urat disebabkan meningkatnya kadar asam urat dalam darah. Normalnya, asam urat sebagai hasil samping dari pemecahan sel yang terdapat dalam darah yang secara berkesinambungan tubuh memecah dan membentuk sel yang baru. Nilai asam urat yang normal bila wanita 2,4 – 6, untuk pria 3,0 – 7. Meningkatnya asam urat disebabkan pekerjaan ginjal yang tidak sanggup mengeluarkan asam urat melalui air kemih.

    Beberapa faktor yang menyebabkan kadar asam urat tinggi adalah:
    Faktor keturunan
    Penyakit Diabetes Melitus
    Adanya gangguan ginjal dan hipertensi
    Tingginya asupan makanan yang mengandung purin.
    Berat badan yang berlebih (obesitas)
    Jumlah alkohol yang dikonsumsi
    Penggunaan obat-obatan kimia yang bersifat diuretik/analgetik dalam waktu lama

    Ada dua macam rheumatik, yakni rheumatik artikuler dan rheumatik non-artikuler. Rheumatik artikuler terjadi di bagian sendi, atau sering disebut radang sendi. Rheumatik non artikuler disebut juga extra articular rheumatism terjadi di bagian jaringan lunak di luar sendi.

    Rheumatik artikuler ada beberapa macam al:
    Artritis Reumatoid,
    Artritis Pirai atau Asam Urat.


    Beberapa faktor penyebab rheumatik osteoartritis a.l:

    - Penipisan rawan sendi yang bersifat progresif

    - Faktor umur yang semakin lanjut- Menopause bagi perempuan

    - Keturunan

    - Kegemukan

    - Cedera sendi atau stres

    - Tulang yang padat (dialami pelari)


    Tanda-tanda seseorang menderita asam urat sebagai berikut:
    -Adanya peningkatan asam urat darah
    -Terdapat kristal urat yang khas dalam cairan sendi
    -Terdapat tofus yang telah dibuktikan dengan pemeriksaan kimia
    -Terjadi lebih dari satu kali serangan nyeri di persendian.
    -Adanya serangan di satu sendi, terutama sendi ibu jari kaki
    -Sendi tampak kemerahan
    -Adanya pembengkakan tidak simetris di satu sendi
    -Tidak adanya bakteri saat terjadi serangan dan peradangan,

    Sama halnya dengan penyakit kanker yang terdiri atas beberapa stadium. Kasus asam urat tingkat keparahannya terdiri dari empat tahapan/stadium:

    1. Tahap Asimtomatik (stadium I). Tanda-tanda penyakit asam urat/gout pada stadium I atau permulaan biasanya ditandai dengan peningkatan kadar asam urat tetapi tidak dirasakan oleh penderita karena tidak merasakan sakit sama sekali dan tidak disertai gejala nyeri, arthritis, tofi/tofus maupun batu ginjal atau batu urat di saluran kemih.

    2. Tahap Akut (stadium II)Asam urat Stadium II biasanya terjadi serangan radang sendi disertai dengan rasa nyeri yang hebat, bengkak, merah dan terasa panas pada pangkal ibu jari kaki. Biasanya serangan muncul pada tengah malam dan menjelang pagi hari.

    3. Tahap Interkritikal (stadium III)Asam urat Stadium III adalah tahap interval di antara dua serangan akut. Biasanya terjadi setelah satu sampai dua tahun kemudian.

    4. Tahap Kronik (stadium IV)Tahapan kronik ini ditandai dengan terbentuknya tofi dan deformasi atau perubahan bentuk pada sendi-sendi yang tidak dapat berubah ke bentuk seperti semula, ini disebut gejala irreversibel atau arthritis gout kronis. Pada kondisi ini frekwensi kambuh akan semakin sering dan disertai rasa sakit terus menerus yang lebih menyiksa dan suhu badan bisa tinggi. Bila demikian bisa menyebabkan penderita tidak bisa jalan atau lumpuh karena sendi menjadi kaku kaku tak bisa ditekuk.

    Makanan yang perlu dipantang untuk penderita asam urat adalah :

    - Daun bayam- Kangkung – Daun Singkong- Daun Jambu Mete- Asparagus- Buncis dan – Kembang Kol.
    - Durian- Alpukat- Nanas- Air Kelapa
    Makanan \lauk pauk:
    - Jeroan seperti hati,ginjal,limpa,babat, usus, paru dan otak- Makanan laut: udang,kerang, cumi, kepiting.- Makanan kaleng: kornet, sarden dan ekstrak daging- Telur- Kaldu atau kuah daging yang kental
    Kacang-kacangan dan emping mlinjo.
    - Kacang Tanah- Kacang Hijau- Kacang Kedelai- Tempe- Tauco- Tauge- Oncom- Susu Kedelai
    Minuman dan makanan beralkohol
    - Bir- Wiski- Anggur- Tape- Tuak
    Tidak semua bahan pangan yang mengandung purin menigkatkan asam urat. Sebagai contoh kopi, teh, dan coklat mengandung komponen purin berupa kafein, theopyline, dan theoromin yang kemudian dimetabolisme menjadi metil urat yang tidak membentuk tofi atau tidak meningkatkan kadar asam urat dalam darah. Jadi kopi, teh dan coklat aman untuk penderita asam urat.

    Info artikel ini diambil dari buku Menggempur asam Urat & Rematik dengan Mahkotadewa karya Ning Harmanto, dicetak oleh Agromedia Pustaka

    Sabtu, 15 Mei 2010

    Is hypoxia training good for muscles and exercise performance?

    Vogt M, Hoppeler H.

    Department of Anatomy, University of Bern, CH-3012 Bern, Switzerland.

    Altitude training has become very popular among athletes as a means to further increase exercise performance at sea level or to acclimatize to competition at altitude. Several approaches have evolved during the last few decades, with "live high-train low" and "live low-train high" being the most popular. This review focuses on functional, muscular, and practical aspects derived from extensive research on the "live low-train high" approach.

    According to this, subjects train in hypoxia but remain under normoxia for the rest of the time. It has been reasoned that exercising in hypoxia could increase the training stimulus. Hypoxia training studies published in the past have varied considerably in altitude (2300-5700 m) and training duration (10 days to 8 weeks) and the fitness of the subjects. The evidence from muscle structural, biochemical, and molecular findings point to a specific role of hypoxia in endurance training. However, based on the available performance capacity data such as maximal oxygen uptake (Vo(2)max) and (maximal) power output, hypoxia as a supplement to training is not consistently found to be advantageous for performance at sea level.

    Stronger evidence exists for benefits of hypoxic training on performance at altitude. "Live low-train high" may thus be considered when altitude acclimatization is not an option. In addition, the complex pattern of gene expression adaptations induced by supplemental training in hypoxia, but not normoxia, suggest that muscle tissue specifically responds to hypoxia. Whether and to what degree these gene expression changes translate into significant changes in protein concentrations that are ultimately responsible for observable structural or functional phenotypes remains open. It is conceivable that the global functional markers such as Vo(2)max and (maximal) power output are too coarse to detect more subtle changes that might still be functionally relevant, at least to high-level athletes.

    References and abstracts from MEDLINE/PubMed (National Library of Medicine)

    How to Lose Weight Extremely Fast With Aerobics - Here Are the Tips You Must Be Aware of to Lose Fat

    There are a lot of experts out there who would tell you how to lose weight fast using aerobics but why is it that people don't get the kind of results they desire fast using aerobics? You see they tell you what to do but not how to do it effectively this is the reason why some people never get the right kind of results. But there are some extremely effective ways using which you can lose a lot of fat extremely fast using aerobics. Read on to discover what these tricks are and achieve earth shattering results fast......

    Do it long enough- The mistake a lot of individuals make is that they do exercise but they don't exercise long enough. You must do your cardio workout according to the amount of weight you are willing to lose. The more you need to lose the more intense your workout should be and you should do it for the right duration as well.

    Study your results and vary your workouts- This is the most crucial aspect of getting results extremely fast. A lot of people never see where they are going with their workouts and never study where their body is going with the workouts. Always make sure that you see whether you are getting any results or not and then change and adapt your workout according to it. If a certain workout is not getting you results always change your workout to suit your needs.

    Alter your diet according to the workout- This is another very important aspect of getting results with your cardio workout. You will not see any results if you stick to your old lousy diet. You will have to alter your diet in accordance with your workout to really see some fast results.

    The Real weight loss secret- Can you imagine yourself losing 9 lbs every 11 days from now? Yes you heard it right "9 lbs every 11days guaranteed". This is the single most effective way which helps you lose weight. It is truly an absolute breakthrough in the weight loss industry. If you don't know this than you are missing out on the best ever secret "Guaranteed" to help you lose weight right away. So are you ready to drop some pounds within the next 11 days? Read on to discover it right now- Click Here

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    Green Tea Weight Loss Supplement Turns Your Body Into A Fat Burning Furnace

    Author: Mary Patterson

    Have you made the choice to drop those extra pounds? That is fantastic. Congratulations on making a fantastic initial choice. You now have many other important considerations to decide upon. Will your weight loss be accomplished solely by changes in your diet, or do you intend get the help of a supplement? Have you looked at the data on green tea weight loss supplement?

    Many experts in the weight loss field say that it's a considerably more effective way to take off extra weight, by using a proven and harmless weight loss supplement, compared to trying to lose weight without 1. Though, if you are taking any number or ineffective supplements, or worse, an unsafe one, then you are obviously better off, not utilizing 1 at all. It boils down to your selection.

    Green tea is the real deal. It is 1 hundred percent natural, which is actually important. It has, literally, decades of scientific research behind it. The sole thing it may be lacking is the huge Madison Avenue advertising campaign, like you see with some brand name products that are made with unnatural chemicals. Here are some facts to consider about green tea:

    The Anti Obesity Effects Of Green Tea, is a peer review paper by Swen Wolfran that details 83 research, providing overwhelming evidence that consistently consuming green tea brings about body weight & fat mass loss, without the near starvation level caloric intake of many diets. Those diets fail because the low calorie intake lowers the body's metabolism, which is protecting against excavation, and trying to hold on fat. There may be weight loss on those diets, however it comes from muscle mass, not fat. The active elements of green tea work in tandem to target the burning of fat and the increase of metabolism, without requiring the drastic limits in calories.

    Green tea reduces food cravings by the regulation of blood sugar. It also blocks the energy conversion into fat, process, in addition to reducing your body's capability to absorb dietary fat. Green tea is perfect for working out, since it increases the amount of fat that is burned in & after the workout. Plus, it gives you twenty 4 p.c increased endurance, allowing you to work longer and harder. Visceral fat is the fat green tea targets. That is the fat that leads to diabetes and could be located in the belly, rear end and upper leg areas.

    So, why use supplements, instead of drinking green tea? Actually, you need to do both, although if you are only going to do the drink or the supplement, it is not even a contest. The supplement wins, hands down. Here is a comparison: We all know eating vegetables is good for you, though put it in a contest with juicing the vegetables and drinking the fresh juice, and there is no contest. Juicing is vastly superior.since it allows you to have more nutrients from the vegetables than your could ever get by eating them.

    Similar to the way you get concentrated nutrients from juicing, you enjoyed concentrated green tea benefits from the supplements. You have to recollect that the green tea weight loss supplement is manufactured by collecting concentrated extracts from the active ingredients. To consume that much it, you may need to drink 24 hours a day.

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    Sammie Moon runs the perfect Teating Diabetes Product website -TreatingDiabetesSymptoms- where you can receive price reduction coupons to save on your trial offer option. Read this

    Why Acidophilus Relieves Yeast Infection Symptoms

    Author: D Fraser

    There is a recommended treatment of acidophilus for yeast infection problems, which is relatively simple and can help restore the body’s inner environment to balance again. Found in either pill form or the active ingredient in yogurt, using acidophilus for yeast infection problems works to replace good bacteria in the intestinal tract that is lost after using antibiotics.

    Yeast infections, known scientifically as Candida Albicans, occur when this bacteria overgrows inside the body. It can occur in the mouth, skin, vagina, or intestinal tract. It is common to all humans, male or female. The bacteria is very pesky, and can even bore holes in the walls of the intestine and then invade other organs by passing through the blood stream. When the person has a compromised immune system, for example, one with cancer or AIDS, this infection can even be lethal.

    The body requires a perfect balance to operate smoothly. When this balance is upset, trouble occurs. Using acidophilus for yeast infection problems has been used for a long time. It works because acidophilus is a good bacteria found in yogurt and it will fight the Candida Albicans bad bacteria, bringing the body back into that delicate balance of health.

    This problem is widespread in today’s world, in all countries. It appears to have become common following World War II when using antibiotics entered the medical scene to fight disease. Unfortunately antibiotics worked from inside the intestinal tract where it also killed off natural bacteria that would keep a yeast infection from overgrowing its territory.

    Yeast is a micro-organism that feeds on sugar, such as when beer is made using yeast. It propagates and spreads. At the same time that antibiotics became prevalent in use, the foods that people eat started to be highly refined and sugary. Eating these foods is part of the reason that yeast infections also became widespread. Diet can help control yeast infections naturally. Eat less sugar and highly refined foods, and more meat, eggs, and non-sugar foods.

    The good bacteria in the body are called probiotics. They promote the body’s healthy balance, and acidophilus is a probiotics which is why it helps to combat a yeast infection. Symptoms of a yeast infection include burning, itching, whitish discharge, and a thrush infection or rash. There are other symptoms which include a large number of bodily complaints from depression to fatigue, headaches, sexual dysfunction, hyperactivity, gas, diarrhea, stiff joints, athletes foot, and many more.

    Yeast infections are frequently misdiagnosed, although there are simple tests that can be done at home. Sometimes doctors will believe the problems are caused by other factors, like hypochondria or a mental problem. It can also be caused by normal things such as pregnancy, food allergy, antacids, and smoking, among others.

    Using acidophilus for yeast infection problems is an easy dietary solution. It can be taken with supplements, or eating active yogurt. Eliminating sugary and highly refined foods is another diet solution for this problem. Not taking action can lead to dire results.

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    Know The Importance Of Fitness Instructor In Personal Training

    Author: Travis Bell

    Finding a reputable, highly skillful fitness instructor or personal trainer can usually be an difficult task if you do not know specifically what it is that you are looking for. Basically, the five major aspects to fitness comprise strength, endurance, composition, cardiovascular endurance, and flexibility. Power and speed also come into play, as your body becomes more conditioned; it becomes easier to increase both power and speed.

    The basic, standard population is usually anywhere from age 18 to 50, and good health relating to individuals of those ages usually suggests that any person with no a sickness that hinders one from having the ability to exercise properly. Any person who has not been in practice needs to be at first placed under a trainer’s supervision, and of course once the individual has had a checkup to ensure good health, she or he could begin an exercise program.

    Personal training requires patience and perseverance, with the basic understanding that pristine health is something not achieved overnight. Most personal trainers work through standard training facilities, and when enough clients are built up in this way, the trainer then has the option to travel off on his or her own. At this point, the personal trainer usually arrives at sessions done at the home of the customer.

    A decent trainer has the ability to demonstrate a selection of exercises geared to the individual’s particular physicality and chemistry. Oftentimes, an individual will need assistance with form and therefore need the help of a professional who can provide advice, inspire, support, and generally push the individual further more than she or he would have on their own. In order to monitor progress, in order for the personal trainer to create the best results for the amount of your time spent, the trainer will monitor progress, as well as advise the individual on healthy living styles, namely diet, sleep, and overall fitness.

    Fitness instructors typically need certification in order to work in an exceedingly reputable facility in the U.S. Usually, the certification requires a minimum of a high school diploma, and a certification in CPR, and be able to pass an exam based on a number of topics related to health and fitness. Fitness instructors vary in cost based mostly on their relative expertise, the types of coaching involved, and overall word-of-mouth from happy clients.

    When a coach has their own studio, it allows a lot of more flexibility and permits the ability to maximize the amount of income created, as well as make the most of the time spent. Recently, the trends are leaning towards training outdoors, as sometimes this method cures boredom, a significant obstacle experienced by those in search of latest, fresh ways of getting quality exercise.

    Job of a personal fitness trainer can be very challenging as well as profitable. An expert trainer has the ability to demonstrate a variety of exercises geared to the individual’s particular physicality and chemistry. Learn more about fitness instructor and personal trainer at NOW.

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    Pilates Body Fitness: Points You Ought To Recognize

    Author: lisa lucero

    When you talk about pilates body fitness, a lot of things can come inside you mind. You can picture the sticks you are using, or the large balls you're squeezing and you can simply imagine yourself on the reformer table for the pilates exercise. There are also some things related to this exercise such as pregnancy, health conditions, and losing weight.

    Generally, there are really a lot of things that you can talk about when you say the word pilates. Below are some of the most important things discussed together with a pilates body fitness program. Reading the items given below may help you know more about the exercise.

    Pilates Body Fitness and The Benefits You Get

    There are plenty of benefits which you can obtain from pilates body fitness program. Aside form losing weight, you can get a healthier and leaner body by doing specific pilates exercises. You can also obtain a good heart because some exercises are meant for cardiovascular purposes.

    Some pilates exercises also benefit pregnant women. To sum it all up, there are actually a lot of advantages you get when you enroll on a pilates program. You just have to comply regularly with your pilates schedule so you can achieve the perfect body you want.

    Pilates Body Fitness and Pregnancy

    A lot of doctors say that exercise is one key to having a good and easy pregnancy. However, pregnant women are usually cautious about their condition because most exercises, except for walking, provide them with more stress. But with a pilates body fitness program, a pregnant woman can attain relaxation and at the same time exercise.

    Specifically, it relaxes the body's pelvic muscles which aid the woman to a smooth and fast delivery of her baby. When you perform the seated leg exercise with a pilates magic ring, you can actually perform the Kegel's exercise which is recommended to most pregnant women.

    However, you need to consult your doctors first before enrolling yourself in a pilates body fitness program. Additionally, you need to have a professional pilates fitness instructor to assure you of the right and proper exercise that you need to have.

    Pilates Body Fitness and The Reformer Equipment

    One of the most popular equipment used in the pilates body fitness program is the reformer tool. It has springs, ropes, and a gear system which help you meet the resistance you need. It allows for proper body positioning which basically helps you maintain or align your body the right way. If used properly, you can be assured of a good exercise that won't cause you pain or injuries later on.

    If you love this article, you will also love another article written by this article's author on exercise bike parts and life fitness exercise bike.

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    Fitness During Pregnancy - Will It Help Maintain A Healthy Pregnancy Weight?

    Author: Steve Barker

    Congratulations! If you've just found out that you're pregnant

    With your pregnancy of course, will come some weight gain, necessary both for your own health and the health of your baby. However, during your pregnancy you need to maintain a healthy pregnancy weight, and that can sometimes be difficult to do.

    There is a way though, to maintain a healthy pregnancy weight if you follow a well-structured exercise routine. You need to keep your core muscles strong amongst other things so that they'll "bounce right back" after the delivery. In fact, maintaining fitness during pregnancy can actually make your labor easier.

    Just how do you maintain a healthy pregnancy weight?

    As their body grows during pregnancy, many pregnant women simply feel unattractive and "fat" so that they just let themselves go. In short, you need to take care of yourself by maintaining fitness during pregnancy and so many moms-to-be simply don't. It's true that pregnancy can make you feel nauseous, can make you feel out of place in your own body, suddenly full of aches, pains, hormone swings, feelings ... lots of things perhaps that you weren't expecting.

    Maintaining a healthy pregnancy weight when you're feeling this way can be difficult because... "it'll just make me feel better" to sit down and eat an entire box of chocolates, right?

    That may be a good justification on the surface, but what's really true is that if you eat healthy food it can actually make you feel better, so that you don't have as many hormone swings, aches, pains, and nausea.

    Best of all, maintaining fitness during pregnancy combined with eating a healthy diet of the right foods will keep your body in top shape so that you can have a much more enjoyable pregnancy overall, an easier labor, and enough energy to be the mom you want to be once your new baby arrives.

    Cravings are often blamed for gaining excess weight but are they the real culprit? What does cause cravings and how can you take care of them while maintaining fitness during pregnancy (There are special considerations realting to exercise when you're pregnant, most pregnant women SHOULD be able to exercise to maintain a healthy weight providing of course that you have the approval of your doctor or your family's health care provider)?

    While there are some cravings that are GOOD and do tell you what you are lacking in your diet. Others are a sign of overindulgence or a poor diet. For instance if you're craving foods with a lot of sodium, it's probably a sign that you are eating too many foods that are high in sugar.

    Understanding your cravings can make maintaining a healthy pregnancy weight much easier.

    If you maintain fitness during pregnancy which will definitely help you maintain a healthy pregnancy weight it will also help keep you feeling sexy.

    And best of all, you'll fit back into your old clothes in no time -- or need to buy sexy new ones! Just watch the little extra baby weight you do have simply "melt away" in the first weeks after pregnancy.


    Healthy Pregnancy Tips will help you maintain fitness during pregnancy and enjoy both feeling and looking good -- learn how to control your cravings, eat the right foods and use pregnancy friendly exercises to maintain a healthy pregnancy weight, just visit

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    Gain Training in Fitness

    Author: Michael Bustamante

    If you are someone who enjoys staying fit and healthy, you might be interested in fitness training. Good training in fitness is designed to qualify graduates for occupations such as aerobic instructor, athlete, coach, fitness instructor or trainer, recreational worker, or umpire, to name a few.

    Because educational requisites vary according specific occupation, students should carefully examine career goals prior to enrolling in any particular Fitness school. Certification or a college degree is not always mandatory for coaching positions; however, if you are interested in teaching in the public school system, a Bachelor's Degree in Physical Education is the minimal requirement.

    Training in fitness can be very diverse, and many schools will offer certification programs and degree programs to enable successful graduates to work in a variety of health and fitness-related fields. Common curriculums might include subjects of anatomy, cardiovascular training, basic First Aid and CPR, injury prevention, kinesiology, muscle mechanics, nutrition, physiology, safety and exercises, sports training, and other aspects of sports medicine.

    In general, vocational training is an excellent first step for individuals wishing to increase their own knowledge regarding personal fitness, health, and nutrition to enhance overall wellbeing. Graduates are well-qualified to pursue many exciting careers, such as personal trainer or fitness trainer.

    So, if you are interested in staying in great physical shape and helping others to do likewise, perhaps a career as a fitness trainer is right for you. Search our website to find good fitness training programs in your area. Contact several appropriate schools and request in-depth information to help you decide if you are ready to begin an education in fitness.

    DISCLAIMER: Above is a GENERAL OVERVIEW and may or may not reflect specific practices, courses and/or services associated with ANY ONE particular school(s) that is or is not advertised on

    Copyright 2007 - All rights reserved by Media Positive Communications, Inc.

    Notice: Publishers are free to use this article on an ezine or website, provided the article is reprinted in its entirety, including copyright and disclaimer, and ALL links remain intact and active.

    Author Resource Box: Michael Bustamante is a staff writer for Media Positive Communications, Inc. in association with Find schools providing Fitness Training, as well as Colleges, Universities, Online Schools and Vocational Schools at, your resource for higher education.

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    About the Author: Michael Bustamante is a staff writer for Media Positive Communications, Inc. in association with Visit our Traditional School Directory and find Colleges, Universities, Vocational Schools, Business Schools and Online Schools at, your educational resource to locate schools.

    Getting For A Life Fitness Home Gym

    Author: lisa lucero

    If you are thinking about purchasing a new home gym, you have probably looked into purchasing a universal fitness home gym. Life Fitness manufactures the number one brand of fitness equipment. These exercise machines are used in health clubs all over the world. When you purchase a life fitness home gym, you know that you will be getting the highest quality product that was designed by engineers who design the industry leading commercial strength equipment.

    Benefits to Purchasing a Life Fitness Home Gym

    One of the best things about the life fitness home gym is that it fits perfectly in any space. Not many people have an entire room to devote to a home gym, so when you can find something that takes up minimal space, you know that it is a perfect fit. A life fitness home gym has a compact footprint but offers the variety of a total body, full circuit workout. In addition, life fitness offers many additional options and features to add on to your life fitness home gym that will not even increase the space that it takes up.

    In addition to not taking up too much space, the life fitness home gym offers a great combination of exercises. The right combination of exercises can help you to lose weight, tone your muscles, or even bulk up your muscles. This is precisely what the life fitness home gym was intended for-variety to help improve your workout.

    This company has over 30 years under its belt. And as such, they know precisely what people need to be motivated to continue working out. Instead of doing the same thing every day, a life fitness home gym will allow you to vary each and every workout so that you can be energized and motivated to work out on a daily basis.

    Finally, you should purchase a life fitness home gym over the other universal home gyms out there because it is a quality piece of craftsmanship. These home fitness gyms have cast iron weight stacks that will not break. The vinyl upholstered pads are double seam stitched to ensure that they stay together for years and never fray or tear. Your machine will not rust-there is heavy gauge steel tubing to prevent that from happening.

    The pulleys themselves are fiberglass reinforced for extra strength. Each and every life fitness home gym undergoes a state of the art robotic welding process that guarantees a strong structure. Each component is put together with precision and care so that the machine will last a lifetime. The life fitness home gym has a lifetime guarantee.

    If you love this article, you will also love another article written by this article's author on dumbbells adjustable and dumbbell weight set.

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    Selasa, 11 Mei 2010

    Peach si Antioksidan

    Info Makanan Sehat

    Sepintas buah Peach bentuk dan citarasanya mirip plum atau apricot, bedanya Peach mempunyai kulit luar berbulu, daging lebih empuk, banyak mengandung air dan aromanya lebih harum. Peach segar dapat dibuat jus , isi pie, fruite compote atau campuran puding. Dipasan juga di jual peach olahan dalam sirup atau manisan.

    Menurut pakar , mengkonsumsi peach secara teratur menjadikan tubuh tercukupi kebutuhan serat , terhindar dari kanker colon, memperlancar pencernaan dan gangguan sembelit. Buah Peach juga kaya akan vitamin C dan E yang dapat mengeluarkan radikal bebas dalam tubuh, Antioksidannya mencegah penuaan dini dan mencegah kanker.

    Peran Beta Caroten terkandung lain lagi, zat ini dapat mencegah flu ringan dan membuat tubuh lebih tahan terhadap gangguaan berbagai penyakit karena daya tahan tubuh meningkat.

    Vitamin C dalam Paprika lebih tinggi dari Jeruk

    Info makanan sehat

    Tanaman paprika berasal dari Amerika yang banyak dikembangkan di Hongaria. Paprika adalah buah sekaligus bumbu penyedap yang memberi rasa pedas. Namun rasa pedasnya tak sepedas cabai biasa karena tidak mengandung capsicin ( rasa pedas pada cabai ) dan cenderung manis.

    Dibandingkan dengan cabai lain paprika mempunyai gizi lebih tinggi terutama Vitamin C. Kandungannya jauhlebih tinggi dibanding jeruk. Setiap 100 gram paprika merah mengandung 190 mg vitamin C . Sebaliknya setiap 100 gram jeruk hanya mengandung 30 - 50 mg vitamin C.

    Selain itu paprika juga mengandung vitamin A dan berkaroten yang penting untuk mencegah penyakit mata, pertumbuhan sel, sistem kekebalan tubuh, reproduksi serta kesehatan kulit.

    Bgai para pria mengkonsumsi papika ini sangat baik karena kandungan likopon pada paprika merah diyakini dapat meningkatkan kualitas seksual. Likopen juga dapat meningkatkan jumlah sperma sperma, struktur sperma serta agresifitasnya.

    Minggu, 09 Mei 2010

    Terong si peningkat Libido

    Info makanan sehat

    Banyak mitos yang menyatakan bahwa terong membuat badan jadi loyo, ternyata mitos ini harus disingkirkan jauh jauh . Fakta menyatakan sebaliknya.

    Menurut ahli Gizi Budi Utomo, terong justru mendongkrak gairah seksual pria, karena efeknya yang bisa membangkitkan libido. Penelitian punya fakta lain , terong dapat mencegah kanker, kaya serat banyak mengandung vitamin A, B , C dan mineral lainnya.

    Berbagai penyakit seperti wasir, reumatik , batuk, penyakit kulit, bahkan raja singa juga bisa disembuhkan .

    Berikut Jenis - Jenis Terong.
    1. Terong Gelatik Ungu
    2. Terong Telunjuk
    3. Terong Gelatik Putih
    4. Terong Kopek
    5. Terong Jepang
    6. Terong Putih
    7. Terong Belanda

    Coba aaaaahhhhh .... tambah gairah bo ..

    Brokoli Atasi Kanker dan Maag

    Info makanan sehat.

    Brokoli sering disebut - sebut sebagai salah satu sayuran yang mampu mencegah dan mengatasi kanker payudara. Hal ini telah dibuktikan melalui berbagai penelitian mengenai manfaat brokoli yang dilakukan para ilmuwan.

    Senyawa kimia yang ditemukan pada sayuran ini menyasar sel -sel yang menjadi makanan bagi pertumbuhan tumor. Kandungan sulforaphane yang tinggi pada brokoli mampu membunuh sel - sel induk kanker ini, dan mencegah perkembangan dan penyebaran penyakitnya.

    Para Peneliti dari Universitas of Michigan telah berhasil menyelesaikan uji laboraturium terhadap tikus dan kultur - kultur sel. Penulis Studi ini Profesor Duxin Sun , mengatakan " Sebelumnya telah sering dipelajari bagaimana pengaruh sulforaphane pada kanker, namun studi ini menunjukkan bahwa manfaatnya adalah dalam menghambat sel sel induk kanker payudara ".

    Setiap tahun di Inggris ditemukan sekitar 46.000 kasus kanker payudara , dengan kematian sekitar 15.000

    Sementara itu penelitian terbaru dan lebih spesifik mampu memberikan gambaran kemampuan brokoli dalam menekan resiko beragam gangguan pencernaan sperti maag , infeksi lambung , bahkan kanker perut.

    Dalam sebuah studi di Jepang , para ahli mendapat fakta bahwa mengkonsumsi 70 gram brokoli segar setiap hari selama 2 bulan dapat melindungi tubuh manusia dari bakteri perut yang terkait penyakit maag, infeksi lambung bahkan kanker perut.

    Untuk mengkonsumsi brokoli , pilih yang berwarna hijau gelap, selain dimakan langsung sebagai lalapan , brokoli juga dapat dicampur sayuran dan buah lain untuk salad. atau pilihan lainnya , anda mengkonsumsi brokoli dalam bentuk jus.

    Jadi jangan ragu konsumsi brokoli ... manfaatnya itu loh.

    Sabtu, 08 Mei 2010

    Usia Produktif rawan kanker serviks

    Mininya kesadaran masyarakat dinegara berkembang untuk melakukan screaning atau deteksi awal pada kanker serviks , mengakibatkan penderitanya di negara itu lebih banyak. Sebanyak 80 % kasus kanker serviks , ditemukan di negara berkembang. Di Indonesia yang merupakan negara berkembang ditemukan 90 - 100 per 100.000 penduduk.

    Kanker Serviks sering kali tidak menimbulkan gejala atau keluhan sampai taraf yang sudah lanjut atau parah, sehingga banyak upaya pengobatan yang dilakukan sudah terlambat.

    Hal ini juga didukung oleh anggapan umum yang salah mengenai Kanker Serviks. Dimana banyak kaum perempuan menganggap tak beresiko karena mereka menjalani hidup sehat serta tidak berganti pasangan. Padahal fakta menunjukkan bahwa setiap perempuan tanpa memandang usia dan latar belakang , beresiko terkena Kanker Serviks.

    Mengingat Kanker Serviks umumnya terjadi saat wanita usia produktif , hal ini tentu menimbulkan kecemasan tersendiri , khususnya jika mereka juga menjadi tulang punggung keluarga . " Kanker Serviks bisa di cegah dengan melakukan vaksinasi, atau dengan melakukan deteksi dini dengan Pap Smear, dan apabila hasilnya negatif baru dilakukan vaksinansi agar terhindar dari Kanker Serviks", ujar dr Ulfana Said Umar dari Yayasan Kanker Indonesia - DKI Jakarta .

    Info Kanker Serviks .
    Yayasan Kanker Indonesia

    Sabtu, 01 Mei 2010

    All About Heart Disease

    Author: Rob Hawkinis

    If you one of the millions of baby boomers who trying to slow the aging process you know firsthand that exercise is not as easy as it once was. Sure you can still do your three mile hike or swim those laps but it just seems to be harder than it used to be. You ask yourself is it my imagination, or am I just out of shape? In this article all about heart disease you may just find the answer to this perplexing and somewhat depressing question.

    As we get older our heart ages as well. After all, it is a muscle that works behind the scene to keep us alive and well. What you may not know is that it beats somewhere north of 100,000 times a day continually adjusting blood flow, volume, and pressure in order to get the job done effectively. But as we age things begin to change as our heart ability to contract forcefully declines over time. Additionally, heart cells die leaving the 70 years old heart with about a third less cells than that of a healthy 20 year old.

    You may also have noticed yourself nodding off while watching television and though that maybe this was sign of just working too many long hours. Oh contraire my all about heart health reading friends. While you may have worked really hard, the core is the problem lies in the fact that as we age our resting heart rate slows. While no one is quite sure why this happens there is some evidence to suggest that heart to brain (or vice versa) communication has slowed due to a buildup of fibrous and fatty tissue deposits on the nerves responsible for this line of communication.

    What we are finding is that as we learn all about heart disease the news continues to get more depressing. As my father once told me I am not quite sure who that guy is staring back at me in the mirror. Your heart is probably feeling the same way about this time!

    Our best defense against a heart that is declining in strength is to keep the arteries free from any type of fatty cholesterol deposits. When cholesterol deposits start to pop up in our arteries blood flow begins to be restricted. This in turn puts more pressure on your heart to work harder to get blood to where it needs to go. So as we age it becomes paramount to take steps to keep the arteries open and the blood flowing freely. According to the American Heart Association the best way to do this is by staying active, eating a low saturated fat diet including baked fish twice a week, shedding a few extra pounds, staying away from both first and second hand smoke, reducing stress levels, and effectively managing diabetes or high blood pressure problems.

    What else? One additional tool for artery health and keeping cholesterol under control is implementing a natural cholesterol reduction supplement, along with the heart and artery health steps listed above.

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